Sunday, December 4, 2011


Something New is not well, so I introduce about a thing I started in recently.
This is reading a book!! I like commics, but don't be interested in a book... So, I often read commics, but I have never read books except for homeworks.

But, some days ago, my friend recommended one book to me... This book's title is "Records of heated classes by Harvard Univercity".
At first, I did't feel interest so much... My friend told me this summary, however, I was gradually interested in it.
Especially I felt the most interesting point was this theme "Is there right murder in the world??"
I have never thought about this, so I was thought more and more by this book and my friend.
Then, I was lend a this book and began to read it. In content, It also talked about 'Justice' related in themes.
It is really very interesting and give me new idea- knowledges, mine sense of value - for my life.

Please read a this book in your free time!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I went to Tokyo 1/25~1/31.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Recentry, in the morning I have felt very cold, sunset has come soon more and more.
Every morning, I wouldn't get out of my bed much.
I realize and love Autumn like it.

There are some events in autumn. For example, school festival, sports festival, delicious foods, beautiful nature and etc...
My best of autumn is red leaves. It is in the school, park, mountain, public road, we can see it in everywhere.
Especially I liked to see it from classroom's window during lesson. Also I liked to clean those that dropped on the ground.
By the way, I like Autumn cooking, too!! Pacific saury(SANMA) I ate yesterday was very delisious!! Others, Oyster(KAKI) is good, too!!

I don't have a plan to travel yet, however, I want to go somewhere in this year.
For example, Kyoto, Nara...
Someone, Let's go together!!

But, You are care for catch a cold.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Japanese Univercity

I have had some questions since I entered this univercity.
Those most are Univercity's system and content of lesson.
When being the high school, my teacher said often"if you enter your hoping univercity, there are only a lot of plesants without studying."
Like my teacher said, to be sure, I think to decrease my study time and quality.
Why is it?? But, I think studying time for English increase more.
So, in the univercity, we are not to study widely, but we concentrate only one subject or interesting thing.
In the high school to make base of knowledge widely, In the univercity to concentrate only own theme.
I think this is right.

But, like john said"employers will judge them by the name of the university they graduate from, not the grades they get.", this present Japanese system should be changed.
Because, univercity's name may be one of factor to judge this person, there are a lot of people to have wonderful power and knowlegde not to relate the univercity.
By contrary, there are to happen cases that people graduated from famous univercity did gangerous cime.

So, It is not good to jugde the people for univercity's name, I think.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scary story

Four years ago... When I was a high school student.
One day, after I finished my club activity, I noticed to forget my bag at classroom.
This day was in winter, time was over seven o'clock, there was dark around.
I decided to go to take my bag, entered from window because all door's key was rocked. Being interested in school of night, my two friends followed me.
One of them is YAGI, he likes horror, especially was exciting.
My classroom was third floor, we climbed up.
On the way, between secound and third floor, there was a mirror.
When we went through front of the mirror, YAGA seemed looked something.
"I looked somethig just now into this mirror!!"
We looked carefuly it, graduatery looked something.
This was YAGI with smile into the mirror!! YAGI behind of me didn't smile, contrastively freezed with scary face.
We were afraid of it, run and run and run!!

Finally, I forgot my bag...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

~My favorite season~

I like four season because we can play and enjoy changing for every season.
In especialy, my most season is spring!!
If it think of Spring, first is warm.
I'm week for hot, for example, when playing rugby... So I like the best temperature of spring.(also like autumn's cool temperature.)
Secound, In spring there are new meeting with a lot of people. I can make many new friends, so I feel happy every year!! However, there also are farewell with kind friends. In especialy, when I graduated from my high school, I must leave NAGASAKI and my family, best friends, so I felt very sad...

The other are the cherry blossom's beauty, my birthday, climbimg mountains etc...

Above all, Spring is the best!! Aren't you??

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My favorite subject

My favorite subject at elementary and high school was physical education!!
This was the best!! Especially, I liked the ball game with friends.
In addition, physical education's teacher was boss of my club, so I and teammates must do our best like training, we could get our physical too storong and high evaluation.